The noodle smile is about to become front and center on a box of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. Oh and after 85 years, the name is changing to Kraft Mac and Cheese too. Like you, I've only ever called it "mac and cheese" and the company wants to reflect "the way fans organically talk about the brand."
As mentioned, the packaging will look different when the name change hits stores in August. But does the look of the box need to change? I am a fan of the noodle smile 100% but also love an old school design that we've all seen since tagging along with our parents to the grocery store as kids. Innovation is good, I dig the new name (let's be honest, not too far from the original name) but pairing that with a redesign isn't needed IMO. We can all agree that having multiple boxes of mac and cheese in the pantry on the ready is always awesome for drunk food, the munchies or just straight up snacking.